
mulakan hari mu dengan nama Allah...

haii morning!!! =D

alhamdulillah.. new year has already come into my life...
alhamdulillah... ku masih diberi kesempatan oleh y Khaliq untuk meneruskan tugasan di muka bumiNya ini....

sumber: google

semua org sibuk nak cakap pasal new year.. hahahaa... macam rase tertinggal pon ade jugak bile tak voice out pasal new year neh.. yelahkan.. new year is like a phenomenon that happen all over the world... so every each of the youth talk about this.. hmm thing so,  =D

bunge api!!!!
talk about new year, it must synonym with fireworks!!!. look there are many fireworks up in the dark sky.. colourful, fun and excitement are given when you see that thing.. some people dare to face the traffic, why??? because they just to see that thing. but some people just sit at where they are and still they can see the firework... untunglaaa... =D
tapikan ade jugak yang dengar bunyi bunge api yang berdentum2 je pon dah puas hati.. hahaaa

so, masing2 sibuk pasang azam, pasang niat, pasang cita2, pasang impian, hmm ade jugak yang nak cari pasangan hidup... bergantung pada diri individu yang memasang.. hahaa.... tapi kan  tak kurang juga ade yang hanye nak tunaikan azam / impian / cita2 nye tahun lepas... its okay... as long as you have your own dream, you know what is the road that should be taken. and i wish all of you best of luck!!!

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