my first golden ball

special deliver to me from somewhere here in malaysia......... owhhhh.......
speechless....  thanks to you...

let me put here.. cute!!!!!!!!  ^_^    hahaa.... :D

i cant imagine if there is another cute cactus like this..
let me tell you this is a cactus named golden ball. Of course it's also have another common names which are golden barrell and mother in law's cushion. i didn't have any idea why its has connection with mother in law cushion. i guess when they want to have first meeting with their mother in law, they bring this as a survenior.. hmm maybe...
but i prefer golden ball because its suitable with its shape. a ball-like shape...

actually after done a little research i found that its real name is Echinocactus grusonii.. and come from cactaceae family...
and another thing that attract my intention... this cactus has flower!!!!!! waaaa.... cant wait to see the blossoming flower of my first golden ball... ^_^

so, in order to have that memorable moment, i must keep its life as happy as i am.. so that this cute cactus and i can give the best blossom flower ever seen...

alright BULAT yoshh!!! gambatte!!!

having breakfast at the beach

mak : its 7' oclock in the morning. wake up kak long.
me : but i just wanna have a little more sleep please, mak.
mak : nope.
me : -----
mak : why dont u just go to the beach and having some fun there with shipah and utub??
me : ohh
mak : and bring some food too.
me: picnic!!!

i have karipap and roti bakar here
 feeling the cold breeze air while see the wave coming.. looks like the calmness never meet the end.  early in the morning, only one or two people coming here. having this beautiful view without sharing with the crowds make me think this beach is mine... hahaaa... :D


left muda to be...

flashback--- hhaaa.... malam sebelum bertolak pegi uum, sintok, kedah

a way to broga

N2 56.345 E101 54.088

Berasal dari kata Buragas, iaitu rasaksa yang sangat besar dan ganas, hidup di dalam tanah, sesekali keluar mandi di kawasan air terjun. Tanda-tanda Buragas akan keluar ialah apabila hujan panas pada waktu tengah hari. Ketika itu pasti ada darah tumpah akibat pertarungan antara dua jejaka. Buragas akan keluar mencari dua jejaka tersebut dan memusnahkan kedua-duanya serta kampung halaman

please enjoy this moment...

streching first!!!

start with the brightest smile ^_^

almost... a little more....

picnic time !!!!!
finally!! we are here.... hahaaa

 model of sunset view  =P

having fun =)

orait... it almost 7 o clock.... climbing down 

just smile...

credit to the photographer... thanks... ^__^


Ku jadi tidak tentu arah, entah apa yang ku kuatiri
Sejak terjadi cerita itu. cerita itu
Makan minum ku dh tak terjga
Asyik memikirkan tentang kamu

Mungkinkah benar mengapa ku tidak menyedari
Lepaskanlah lepaskan semua, tiada makna jika bersama
Dalam hidupku oh setiap hari
Yang kita pasti ada masalah
Lepaskanlah lepaskan semua, tiada makna jika bersama,
Dalam hidupku oh setiap hari yang kita pasti ada masalah, dengannya
Ku jadi tidak tentu arah, entah apa yang ku kuatiri
Sejak terjadi cerita itu. cerita itu

Lepaskanlah lepaskan semua, tiada makna jika bersama
Dalam hidupku oh setiap hari
Yang kita pasti ada masalah
Lepasknlah lepaskan semua, tiada makna jika bersama
Dalam hidupku oh setiap hari yang kita pasti ada masalah, dengannya


a witch name's Diana discovered her true power without realized that she had already used it...
during her studies in oxford,  she touched a book that full of magics inside it. and that phenomenon attracted many creatures, vampires and other witches to involve with her life.

because of that, she meets Mathew. a professor which  studied in DNA's field and also the most strong vampire. falling in love with each other required agreement from both of their families. this unique relationship invited so many difficulties.

but the excitement has just begun. with Diana's new abilities and protection from Mathew's power, is their story can be happy ending or sad ending?..

i still have not finished read this book yet...


bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim....

dengan nama Allah yang maha pemurah lagi maha mengasihani